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Fig. 3 | Chinese Neurosurgical Journal

Fig. 3

From: Aggravated pulmonary injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in PDGF-Bret/ret mice

Fig. 3

Survival percent and neurological functions after SAH. a The SAH grading of mice among groups at 24 h after SAH. b The survival percent at 12, 24, 48, and 72 h in each group. c, d Neurological evaluation scores of mice among groups at the timepoint of 24 h after mimic SAH onset. WT: wild-type, ret/ret: PDGFret/ret, PDGF-B: AAV9-pdgfb. N = 20 for percent survival analysis, N = 6 for others, @: vs. WT + sham P < 0.05, & in panel a: vs. WT + PDGF-B + sham P < 0.05, & in other panels: vs. WT + SAH P < 0.05, # in panel a: vs. ret/ret + sham P < 0.05, # in other panels: vs. WT + SAH P < 0.05

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