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Table 2 A detailed summary depicting the modifiable risk factors and their associated findings

From: Scavenger Receptor Class B type 1 (SR-B1) and the modifiable risk factors of stroke


Modifiable risk factors



Positive factors


- Mediterranean diet increases SR-B1 expression

- SR-B1 has an important role in the uptake of lipid-soluble vitamins, which have been associated with lower risk of stroke

- Chronic moderate alcohol accelerated cholesterol clearance via SR-B1-mediated reverse cholesterol transport

Nakamura et al. [52], Rimm et al. [53], Farras et al. [54], Han et al. [55]

Li et al. [56]



- Increases SR-B1 expression

Wei et al. [57]

Negative factors


- Smoking decreases SR-B1 expression of keratinocytes and possibly type II pneumocytes

Kolleck et al. [36], Sticozzi et al. [58]



- Increases SR-B1 expression

- SR-B1-knockout hyperglycemic mice had an increased incidence of coronary artery atherothrombosis, myocardial infarction, and early death

Hayashi et al. [59], Gonzalez et al. [60]



- Obesity-induced upregulation of miR-24 could function as a feedback regulator of SR-B1

Wang et al. [61]



- SR-B1 primarily functions in an atheroprotective capacity, when expressed in monocytes and macrophages

Kozarsky et al. [62], Zhang et al. [63], Van Eck et al. [64], Galle-Treger et al. [40]


Coronary heart disease


- SR-B1 deficiency leads to increased risk of CHD.

Zanoni et al. [65]



- Lack of direct studies investigating SR-B1 expression in hypertension

- Indirect effects may be possible, as a lack of SR-B1 led to impairment of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator

Pearson et al. [66], Hermann et al. [67]


Sickle cell

- No direct studies involving SR-B1 expression and sickle cell conditions

- Indirect involvement is possible, as lipid dysregulation partially determines severity of sickle cell

- SR-B1 is reported to facilitate cell-entry of malaria

Akinlade et al. [68], Rodrigues et al. [69]