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Table 1 The comparison of different methods of ICP monitoring

From: Intracranial pressure monitoring in neurosurgery: the present situation and prospects

ICP methods



Clinical practice

Wired ICP monitoring

1. Monitor continously

2. Ddirect contact with brain tissue, CSF, and other cranial contents

3. Able to drainage CSF

4. Simultaneously monitor other biochemical information

5. Perform CSF drainage at the same time

1. Complications,including infection, hemorrhage, sensor breakage, displacement,brain injury and so on

2. Zero drift and short using time

3. Need repeatedly operations

1. The gold standard of ICP measurement

2.most commonly used

Wireless ICP monitoring

1. Allow the patients to move freely

2. Continuous ICP measurements anywhere

3. Extend the duration of ICP monitoring and decrease the complication than wired ICP monitoring

4. Bioabsorbable ICP monitor no longer need removing the ICP sensor

1. Unable to drainage CSF

2. Novel ICP monitors need further study

Not used in clinic so far

Non-invasive ICP monitoring

1. No injury to the patient

2. Provide a valuable reference

3. Safe, quick, repeatable, easy to operate and relatively inexpensive

4. No complication

5. Be able to assess other cerebrophysiology condition

1. Difficult to obtain true and accurate ICP values with the current technology

2. Need professional trainning and judgment

3. Prone to subfective error

4. Patients with other diseases may also affect the evaluation of ICP

5. No consistent standard

As an auxiliary means to monitor ICP